Automated M&A Due Diligence of eCommerce businesses

10X faster investment Due Diligence with AI-powered automation
for eCommerce investors and business owners

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Quantacap summary page

Why Quantacap?

10X faster due to unique investment analysis algorithms
AI for invoice-based
cost of sales estimates
Interactive report with all insights and analysis


Verified financials based on invoices

Full P&L built from raw data
Daily and transaction level details

screenshot of Quantacap platform - P&L page


Combine data from Amazon, Shopify and other platforms
No need to provide access to marketplace accounts

screenshot of Quantacap platform with multi-channel analysis

Risks analysis

Products with declining sales and out-of-stock risks
Missing supplier invoices

risks analysis example

Unit economics

Product-level unit economics
Cost of sales estimates with Artificial Intelligence

screenshot of Quantacap platform  with unit economics

Customer analytics

Marketing ROI by customer cohort
Repeat purchase rates

screenshot of Quantacap platform  with customer analytics

Advanced sales analysis with Machine Learning

Forecast sales by product
Sales drivers analysis

screenshot of Quantacap platform - ML models

Our clients

Investors in eCommerce businesses

  • Reduce risk of missing critical issues in due diligence
  • Save time and cost on due diligence to review more opportunities
  • Expand time for negotiations
  • Head start on integration and risk mitigation plan

eCommerce business owners

  • Receive accurate and defendable view of financials from the Buyer’s perspective
  • Identify and eliminate red flags to unlock a premium valuation
  • Equip with essential data points to negotiate successfully with Buyers
  • Quantacap's methodology is aligned with due diligence practices of eCommerce investors

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